Kim's Kinesiology Eastern Suburbs
Kim's Kinesiology Eastern Suburbs
Kim's Kinesiology Eastern Suburbs
Kinesiology Treatments
During a Kinesiology session, the practitioner will balance the subtle energy system of the body, muscles, emotions and belief systems of the client.
What Can Kinesiology Help Me With?

Kinesiology can help with a wide variety of issues from: stress, chronic fatigue, hormonal issues, allergies, physical pain to neurological issues like ADD, fears and insomnia. The important thing to remember is that everything we experience in our minds and physical body, originated first in our energy system. It is also important to continue the treatment you are already having under your medical practitioner, as Kinesiology works really effectively as an adjunct to your medical treatment but can also be used as a stand alone, in cases where medical treatment is not a constant, such as with back aches, personal development, improving sporting skills or learning issues. You do not need to have a referal, just book an appointment, fill in a client history form and bring any relevant medical tests or diagnoses with you to your first appointment and enjoy!
What Can't a Kinesiologist Do?

Since a Kinesiologist works with the energy system of the body, they can not diagnose illness. However, they can work with a medical issue that you have already received a diagnosis on. Therefore it is good to bring with you any relevant medical diagnosis and tests that you may have to your session, as the Kinesiologist can use them to inform their session with you.
Rates [cash + EFTPOS, Square payment available]
Initial Consultation:
CHILD 60min - $100
ADULT 90min - $170
Development of a Treatment Plan
Application of Applicable Balance and Corrections
Detailed History
Possible Postural Analysis
Educational materials
Follow-Up Consultations: prices as above
Application of Applicable Balances and Corrections
Evaluation of Treatment Plan
“ When I First started seeing Kim I didn't have many expectations but went along at the behest of a friend. We worked on my muscles as I am getting older and had begun having a few back problems. However as the course of care progressed, I noticed significant improvements in my ability to perform different activities (that I hadn't been able to do for some time). I became more flexible and my back felt more supported, in addition I experienced much less discomfort. I highly recommend Kinesiology for back and muscle pain."
“ I have seen Kim off and on for a little while now and I love it. I always come away feeling so much lighter and happier than I was before. It really helps me to relieve stress in my life.”